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Being a Knights Templar today doesn’t mean we all run around in cloaks and tabards and go off to fight in the crusades! A modern day Templar is more about the three C’s: Christianity, Chivalry and Charity.


As Members of The Knights Templar we follow 3 main tenets of the Order which are Christianity, Charity and Chivalry.


The Grand Priory of England and Wales is Autonomous. The Order is apolitical, ecumenical and non-Masonic, devoted to the promotion of the Chivalric ideals and expects its members:

  • To acknowledge their God in their lifestyle and behaviour

  • To love and respect their neighbour

  • To increase understanding between religions

  • To support the poor, sick, those in need, and to relieve human suffering

  • To stand against oppression and unjust accusations

  • To protect human rights

  • To encourage the noble ideals of Chivalry

  • To maintain the history of the Knights Templar and foster education and research thereof

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