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As an Order we support a number of different charities as well as individuals in need of extra assistance. Scroll down to find out more about the good work we do and who we support.

What we do

As a templar order, one of our main aims is to support those that may need our help. The way that we uphold this aim is by doing charity work. This includes putting on events to help raise money for different causes or by directly helping members of our community that may need our help.

Our Work

Members of the order strive to do the best they can by helping our the community.  Last year alone we managed to raise £15,000 for various charities during the multitude of events that we ran. Here are some examples of the things we've done.


If you would like to be kept informed about our public fundraising events please sign up with your email address below.

© 2022 The Knights Templar of England & Wales

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