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Could You Survive as a Templar Knight?

Upon the creation of the Knights Templar, and the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon, a Code of Conduct was created to dictate the rules and code the Knights must follow. There are over 70 clauses members of thew Order were required to follow. These clauses were quite strict and precise, but how well would you have done as a Templar Knight regarding the Code of Conduct?

Our Charity Officer, Dame Robbyn Birnie, takes a look at a few of those codes of conduct to see how she would fare as a medieval Templar.


There are quite a few codes concerning clothing, including…

“...these robes should be without any finery and without any show of pride. And so we ordain that no brother will have a piece of fur on his clothes, nor anything else which belongs to the usages of the body, not even a blanket unless it is of lamb’s wool or sheep’s wool.”

Now I do have a sheep blanket, but it’s more of a fleecy fabric, with little sheep all across

it… I don’t think that’ll count.

This Code delves deeper into the concerns of bed linen:

“It is our intention that apart from a mattress, one bolster and one blanket should be sufficient for each; and he who lacks one of these may have a rug, and he may use a linen blanket at all times, that is to say with a soft pile. And they will at all times sleep dressed in shirt and breeches and shoes and belts, and where they sleep shall be lit until morning.”

Now I don’t know about you, but I have a set of bedding for each season, as well as my favourite World Map bedding, so I’ve already failed!

And I don’t think my woolly, fleece pyjamas make the cut either.

Code 22 concerns shoes and shoes laces:

“We prohibit pointed shoes and shoe-laces and forbid any brother to wear them… For it is manifest and well known that these abominable things belong to pagans”

Well, that’s my stilettos and Doc Martens out!

Code 51 covers animals and squires:

“Each knight brother may have three horses and no more… To each knight brother we grant three horses and one squire”

Horses for all!!!

Don’t think my two cats are going to be pleased if I bring them home with me, although an extra pair of hands to keep them fed and watered would be handy!

This Code concerns hunting, and the fact that surprisingly hunting is strictly prohibited unless…

“This above-mentioned prohibition is by no means intended to include the lion, for he comes encircling and searching for what he can devour, his hands against every man and every man’s hand against him.”

So, no hunting unless its for Mufasa or Parsley... Poor Parsley, Dill will be devastated.

This Code concerns being a Godparent:

“We forbid all brothers henceforth to dare to raise children over the font and none should be ashamed to refuse to be godfathers or godmothers; this shame brings more glory than sin”

Not quite the honour I thought it was, but I do take my godmotherly duties serious; buying excessively large soft animals, Disney film education etc.

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